Mike Lyon Photography

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Photo of the Day

So I have been super busy with school and haven't really had the time or motivation to update my blog so here are a few pictures I have taken over the last week.
May 5,2009
May 3,2009
May 2,2009
May 1,2009
April 29,2009
April 28, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Random Thought #1

I believe that we as humans spend too much time thinking about or dreaming about the future, wasting time dwelling on the past and not enough time is spent in the present. We need to appreciate every single precious moment that God has given us and make the most of EVERY opportunity. Whatever we are doing if it is school work, enjoying time with friends, anything and everything. Don’t take the precious gift of time for granted because it can be taken away from you in an instant.

Well since this is a photo blog I will put some of my photos up as well, so let me know what you think. These are of my dog Luke….Luke Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

So Close

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break of Awesomeness

So I went to California for the best Spring Break trip ever! Of course I took my camera everywhere with me and these are just a few photos that I took from the trip. Enjoy.



Palm Tree


Palm Tree


Monday, April 6, 2009

The Turnaround Photoshoot

So I went down to Denver today with a new band called The Turnaround. We went around town and ended up getting some pretty sweet photos. Enjoy.

The Turnaround



The Turnaround

The Turnaround


Friday, March 20, 2009

Half Aspen

Here is the next sweet video that shows Peter and myself shredding some of the trails from back home. It is called Half Aspen because it is on the trail Half Aspen up at our local ski hill. Again the riding and filming is by Peter Schulze and myself .... WORD!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Good Ole' Days

So i thought it would be cool to start out by posting some of my older work. This is a video that my friend Peter and I made back in the day. This first video is called Concept and was shot in the Jemez Mountains just outside of Los Alamos. The filming and riding is done by Peter Schulze and myself.

This Is The Beginning

Well .... I decided to make a blog so everyone could follow me and my quest to become a better photographer and person. Along with anything else I decide to write about. So I hope you enjoy my blog and that the photos I take can inspire you ... so enjoy :)